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Peleis back in intensive care unit: Brazil legend in ‘semi-intensive’ care

Brazilian football legend Pele, 80, is in a “stable” condition after “respiratory instability” early on Friday morning led to his hospitalization in the intensive care unit.

Albert Einstein hospital said the 80-year-old Edson Arantes do Nascimento had returned to intensive care after “a brief breathing instability” Thursday night. Pelé was currently stable in “semi-intensive” care, the hospital said, and he “continues recovering.” It did not give further details.

Kely Nascimento posted a picture Friday with her father on Instagram which she said she had just taken in his room at the Albert Einstein hospital.

“He is recovering well and within normal range. Promise!” Kely Nascimento said. “The normal recovery scenario for a man of his age after an operation like this is sometimes two steps forward and one step back. Yesterday he was tired and took a little step back.”

“Today he took two forwards!” she added, without giving more details.

The hospital had not previously issued a new statement on Pelé’s health since Tuesday, when he was removed from intensive care.

Later Pelé confirmed on social media that he is feeling well and that he had been visited by family members during the day.

“I continue to smile every day. Thank you for all the love I get from you,” Pelé said.

The tumor was found when Pelé went for routine exams at the end of August. His surgery took place on Sept. 4.

Pelé won the 1958, 1962 and 1970 World Cups, and remains Brazil’s all-time leading scorer with 77 goals in 92 matches.

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